Suggestions for healthy self-care:
Paul has moved and then re-aligned the path flagstones (that sounds a bit posh, I think they’re just concrete slabs) and has re-seeded in-between so it should emerge as a lush, weed-free grassed approach up to the garden gate…. and then, of course, the excitement continues with the vista beyond?*!
Well, we’re getting there… *Geoff Hamilton – BBC Gardeners' World
Paul and I have been spending quite a bit of time in the garden, greenhouses and shed; as I am now officially on ‘furlough’ too, I don’t feel too guilty just pottering about! The most exciting thing that has happened recently is that we had our first ever food delivery yesterday afternoon! It was from Hayles Fruit Farm-shop as it now seems that none of the ‘biggies’ (Tesco, Sainsbury, Waitrose) are taking on new registrations…! The order was a tad more expensive but then again, it was either that or start gnawing bits of cardboard or munch on the seedlings in the greenhouse! BUT, joking aside, all the produce was of good quality, locally sourced (on the whole), and covered all categories – dairy, meat, vegetable, salad, fruit. The delivery was free too!
We haven’t done any shopping for over two weeks anyway, because we were already on isolation before the official national lock-down came into play. As it is, our neighbours have been very generous – when they go to the local shops they have picked up basics for us – bread, milk, cheese, fresh veg.
August 2023